The Final Exam on 05/07/05 will be comprehensive on all material covered during the semester. ALL Classnotes. ALL Homeworks. ALL Projects. Forouzan Ch 1 - Ch 14 completely. Of Ch 27 (IPv6): Read thoroughly. Observe differences between Forouzan and my notes. Make sure you understand it. Do not memorize details unless I specifically say differently below. Never memorize things like type numbers, kind numbers, code numbers, etc. If you need it I will give it. I will give them whether you need them or not. Though, I feel everybody should know that TCP is protocol 6, UDP is 17, HTTP is port 80, and a few more. You must know by heart: The IPv4 header (without options), The TCP header (without options), The UDP Header (with and without options :-) ), The TCP and UDP Pseudo headers, The SCTP General Header, The IPv6 Base Header. When I say ``understand'': it certainly is enough if with just a little bit of help you can re-generate them. You must understand all IP and TCP options and their organization, (insofar in the book or done in class), You must understand the organization of chunks in SCTP, You must understand the organization of extension headers in IPv6, and the concept of ``next header'', ``next protocol''. You must understand the ARP and RARP headers and ICMP headers. You must understand the organization of RIP packets. I do not expect you to remember details about OSPF, BGP packets. (But you must understand how the protocols work). It is always a good idea to do previous exams (including this semester). It is always a good idea to do the list of `typical questions'' on my web page. I like questions about tcpdump ping traceroute nslookup dig arp ifconfig netstat etc. I love questions where you have to combine information from a few of these. Good Luck! Work hard! Teun Ott.